
How to manually install mods fallout 4
How to manually install mods fallout 4

how to manually install mods fallout 4

  • If a name of your mod is on the list, this particular modification should work properly.
  • Below, you can find an exemplary content of the plugins.txt file:
  • Check whether the mods you have installed are on the list.
  • In order to do that follow this path: C:\Uzytkownicy\\AppData\Local\Fallout4 and open the plugins.txt file with a text editor (e.g.

    how to manually install mods fallout 4

  • Next, you have to check this plugin list.
  • By doing this the game will load the list of mods and enter them into the plugin lists.
  • Now start the Fallout 4 launcher but do not start the game itself.
  • Move the extracted files into the aforementioned Data folder.
  • esm files (in some cases even folders - e.g.
  • Then, download and extract the archive of the mod you are interested in.
  • By default it is C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\Common\Fallout 4\Data. Mods have finally made their way to Fallout 4 on the Xbox One and bring with them a ton of opportunities to spruce up your game.
  • Find Fallout 4's Data folder on your computer.
  • If, however, you have your reasons for installing the mods manually, please follow this instruction. During the manual mod installation, there is a higher chance of an improper installation resulting in a modification not working properly, or at all - this is why it is highly recommended to use one of the methods described above. The last method is the most difficult and the most dangerous.

    How to manually install mods fallout 4